"List Pattern and advanced Slice Operator usage"

if (users is [_, .. { Length: > 1 }]) { // Here, "Length" refers to a User[] that is created inline by the slice- it contains the Users that weren't matched by the first part of the pattern
	Console.WriteLine($"There is more than one user after the first."); // Prints "There is more than one user after the first."

if (users is [_, { Name.Length: >= 3 }, (19, _, false), .. var slice]) { // Here, we declare a name for the sliced user array and use it in the if body below
	Console.WriteLine($"Remaining users: {String.Join<User>(", ", slice)}"); // Prints "Remaining users: User { Age = 99, Name = Seb, IsLoggedIn = True }"

Code snippet taken from "Complete C# Quick Reference - C# 11".