"Traits example"

	interface IEntity { // interface representing an entity in a game world
		Vector3 Position { get; }

	interface ISoundEmittingEntity : IEntity { // represents any entity that emits sound
		float SoundRadius { get; }
		// method with a default (sensible) implementation; can be overridden for more complex cases
		bool IsAudibleToPlayer(Player player) => Vector3.Distance(player.Position, Position) <= SoundRadius;
	class Rocket : ISoundEmittingEntity {
		public Vector3 Position { get; private set; }
		public float SoundRadius { get; } = Units.InMetres(4f);
	// ----
	void SomeMethod(Rocket rocket) {
		if (rocket.IsAudibleToPlayer()) PlaySound(Sounds.RocketSound);

Code snippet taken from "C# 8 Concerns".