C#'s list of keywords is ever-growing, but there is also a set of four hidden (dark) keywords that have been in the language since its earliest days that not so many people are aware of.
Those keywords are:
View Code Fullscreen • "Hidden Keywords"
Today we'll be looking at
__makeref and its two companion keywords
__reftype and
__refvalue. We won't be looking at
__arglist today.
__makeref is a C#
keyword but it could be thought of and treated like a global standalone function that takes any value and returns a reference to it (like a
reference in C++). In fact, using
__makeref will 'return' a
TypedReference, a less-well-known BCL struct in .NET.
When we have a
TypedReference, we can then use the other two relevant keywords (
__refvalue) to work with it.
__reftype returns the
System.Type of the the value we have a reference to (there is also
a method on
TypedReference to do this; personally though I prefer to stay consistent and use the three built-in keywords together). Finally,
__refvalue either returns the value referenced to by the given
TypedReference, or sets the value through said
In case that didn't make much sense yet, here's an example showcasing all three keywords:
int x = 3;
var xRef = __makeref(x);
Console.WriteLine(__reftype(xRef)); // Prints "System.Int32"
Console.WriteLine(__refvalue(xRef, int)); // Prints "3"
__refvalue(xRef, int) = 10;
Console.WriteLine(__refvalue(xRef, int)); // Prints "10"
View Code Fullscreen • "__makeref et. al. Demonstration"
Notice how with
__refvalue we have to specify the type that
xRef is a reference to (an
int in this case). This is actually only for the programmer's benefit, so we can retain type safety. The runtime will throw an
InvalidCastException if we try to treat
xRef as a reference to a
float, for example.
Well firstly, let's talk about when
not to use these keywords. The answer to this is fairly simple: You should almost never use these keywords. I think it's fairly obvious, but just in case, here's some reasons why:
They make it possible to write unsafe and buggy code (as we'll see below)
Your colleagues will go mad searching for a function '__makeref' in scope (could be funny though)
Resharper doesn't recognise them
They are not documented or officially supported by MS (that being said, they've been ported to .NET Core and a surprising amount of code out there in the wild uses them)
So, in 99% of cases,
they just ain't worth it! But now that we have that giant disclaimer out of the way, let's explore the interesting 1%. ;)
Quite a few people have lamented the lack of generic pointers in C# (that would look something akin to
T* in a generic method or class). Although they might seem like a niche requirement they can be of huge use when working with native or interop code.
For example, imagine a collection (like a
std::vector) allocated in C++ whose elements you want to be able to access from C#. There is no way to build a generic way to access those elements in C# (i.e. some sort of
NativeVector<T>). Even when not doing interop, using pointers and generics together is desirable in pure C#; for example when building fast off-heap collections like I/O ring buffers. The most well-known workaround is to build a small library or emit a collection of methods in IL, where generic pointers
are possible.
Some people try to use the
Marshal.PtrToStructure and
Marshal.StructureToPtr methods of the
Marshal class. However, firstly, they're 10 times slower on my machine than the method I will show below (that's not an exaggeration, I measured it!); and more importantly, they don't work the way many people expect- for example
sizeof(MyStruct) may not be the same as the number of bytes copied or read by these functions. That's because the
Marshal class does as its name implies and
marshals the data to C++ equivalents. This is also what's responsible for the reduced performance.
Moving on, let's look at the
TypedReference struct a bit closer. In fact, it's just two fields, a pointer to the variable we supplied to
__makeref (that is our actual
reference), and an internal pointer that represents the
Type of the variable we took a reference to.
The value pointer is the first field in the struct, and we can do some heavy unsafe abuse to use that pointer via a
Here's a demonstration. Here we have an implementation of two methods,
WriteGenericToPtr and
ReadGenericFromPtr. The methods write and read a generic struct of type
T to/from a pointer, respectively. I've explained the code line-by-line underneath.
public static void WriteGenericToPtr<T>(IntPtr dest, T value, int sizeOfT) where T : struct {
byte* bytePtr = (byte*) dest;
TypedReference valueref = __makeref(value);
byte* valuePtr = (byte*) *((IntPtr*) &valueref);
for (int i = 0; i < sizeOfT; ++i) {
bytePtr[i] = valuePtr[i];
public static T ReadGenericFromPtr<T>(IntPtr source, int sizeOfT) where T : struct {
byte* bytePtr = (byte*) source;
T result = default(T);
TypedReference resultRef = __makeref(result);
byte* resultPtr = (byte*) *((IntPtr*) &resultRef);
for (int i = 0; i < sizeOfT; ++i) {
resultPtr[i] = bytePtr[i];
return result;
View Code Fullscreen • "WriteGenericToPtr and ReadGenericFromPtr"
Here's an explanation of
[MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] just tells the compiler/JIT that the given method should be inlined whenever possible.
public static void WriteGenericToPtr<T>(IntPtr dest, T value, int sizeOfT) where T : struct is our function declaration. dest is the pointer to copy the value struct to. sizeOfT is the size of the struct to copy in bytes. We constrain to a struct type because we're relying on the behaviour of value types being copied rather than passed-by-reference later on. Also, doing this sort of manipulation with reference types doesn't really often make much sense in the context of C#.
byte* bytePtr = (byte*) dest;: Here we're just casting dest to a byte* for use later.
TypedReference valueref = __makeref(value);: This line gets a reference to value. This would be like doing T* valuePtr = &value; if such a thing were allowed in C#.
byte* valuePtr = (byte*) *((IntPtr*) &valueref);: This is the nasty unsafe abuse I mentioned earlier. First of all we're getting a pointer to valueref (so that's a reference to our reference), and treating it as a pointer to an IntPtr instead of a pointer to a TypedReference. This works because the first 4/8 bytes in the TypedReference struct are an IntPtr� specifically the pointer to value. Then we dereference that IntPtr pointer to a regular old IntPtr, and finally cast that IntPtr to a byte* so we can use it in the copy code below.
Finally, we have a for loop (for (int i = 0; i < sizeOfT; ++i)) where we loop through each byte of value and copy it to the dest pointer. Remember, valuePtr is a byte* that points to the start of value on the current stack. We got that pointer by making a TypedReference to value with __makeref and then taking the pointer contained within that reference, which points to value.
And for
public static T ReadGenericFromPtr<T>(IntPtr source, int sizeOfT) where T : struct is our function declaration this time. source is the pointer to copy the data from. sizeOfT is the size of the data in bytes.
Once again, byte* bytePtr = (byte*) source; is just a cast that we'll use in the for-loop later.
T result = default(T); is a way of allocating enough bytes on the stack for us to copy to, and will serve as our return value in a moment.
TypedReference resultRef = __makeref(result);: This line, similar to before, gets a reference to result. This would be like doing T* resultPtr = &result;.
byte* resultPtr = (byte*) *((IntPtr*) &resultRef); has exactly the same idea behind it as the similar line in the write method- we're getting the pointer to result.
This time, in the for-loop (for (int i = 0; i < sizeOfT; ++i)) we loop through each byte of the source data and copy it to result.
Now, if you're looking at this code and your first thought is "oh god why", I'd simply like to point out that code like this is fundamental for interop with native collections or for building fast unmanaged data structures. For example, using these two methods, we can now build a "
NativeArray<T>" type that wraps a pointer to the first element in a C++ data-block or array, and it will work for any
blittable struct type T, with no boilerplate required.
Anyway, the alternative is to write or emit this code in IL, but that's not always preferable (and this is a blog post about
__makeref, so go figure ;)).
Now, if you're good at thinking ahead you might wonder where the
sizeOfT parameter is meant to come from. After all,
sizeof(T) doesn't work in C#...
So as I just mentioned, there's no way to get the size of a generic C# struct type at runtime.
sizeof(T) simply won't compile.
Some people opt for using
Marshal.SizeOf(). Just like before,
those people are sitting on buggy code! So, let's try and do it with
__makeref. In the interests of brevity, I'm gonna show you the
crux of the implementation using
__makeref first, but as a warning to anyone just scanning this page for code:
There is a bug in the code below.
The code
after the example below will fix it, but if you're feeling like a challenge see if you can figure it out the bug on your own!
public static int SizeOf<T>() where T : struct {
T[] tArray = new T[2];
var tRef0 = __makeref(tArray[0]);
var tRef1 = __makeref(tArray[1]);
IntPtr ptrToT0 = *((IntPtr*)&tRef0);
IntPtr ptrToT1 = *((IntPtr*)&tRef1);
return (int)(((byte*)ptrToT1) - ((byte*)ptrToT0));
View Code Fullscreen • "SizeOf<T> Implementation (With Bug)"
So before we talk about the bug, let's talk about what the code is doing and how it works.
The first line makes a new array of structs of type
T, two elements in length.
The next two lines then make references to the first and second elements in the array, via
__makeref. That means that
tRef0 and
tRef1 are
TypedReferences, each representing a reference to the corresponding
T struct in
tArray. Put simply,
tRef0 is a reference to
tArray[0], and
tRef1 is a reference to
The next two lines get the actual pointers from the
TypedReferences by using the same trick we used in
And finally, the last line measures the difference in bytes between the two pointers. This gives us the size of our
T struct type, because array elements are guaranteed to be contiguous in C# (therefore by measuring the distance between the start of the first element in the array and the start of the second, we can calculate the size of the first element (and subsequently, all elements of type
So, I mentioned a bug. Did you get it? Well,
tArray is a normal array allocated on the managed heap, just like any other array in C#. As we know, all memory on the managed heap is subject to the whims of the garbage collector, and that includes being moved. Think what might happen if the GC pauses our application and moves the array after we get
ptrToT0 but
before we get
ptrToT0 will now point to the beginning of where the array was a moment ago, where as
ptrToT1 will point to the second element in the array at where it has moved to. Needless to say, measuring the distance between these two pointers definitely will
not give us a valid value for the size of
So we need to fix that. Also, allocating GC'able memory and doing this stuff is a little unnecessary sometimes, if the type we're measuring is a primitive. So let's add in a little pre-check too. Here's the amended,
bug-free, and
slightly-kinder-on-GC-when-using-primitive-types code:
public static int SizeOf<T>() where T : struct {
Type type = typeof(T);
TypeCode typeCode = Type.GetTypeCode(type);
switch (typeCode) {
case TypeCode.Boolean:
return sizeof(bool);
case TypeCode.Char:
return sizeof(char);
case TypeCode.SByte:
return sizeof(sbyte);
case TypeCode.Byte:
return sizeof(byte);
case TypeCode.Int16:
return sizeof(short);
case TypeCode.UInt16:
return sizeof(ushort);
case TypeCode.Int32:
return sizeof(int);
case TypeCode.UInt32:
return sizeof(uint);
case TypeCode.Int64:
return sizeof(long);
case TypeCode.UInt64:
return sizeof(ulong);
case TypeCode.Single:
return sizeof(float);
case TypeCode.Double:
return sizeof(double);
case TypeCode.Decimal:
return sizeof(decimal);
case TypeCode.DateTime:
return sizeof(DateTime);
T[] tArray = new T[2];
GCHandle tArrayPinned = GCHandle.Alloc(tArray, GCHandleType.Pinned);
try {
TypedReference tRef0 = __makeref(tArray[0]);
TypedReference tRef1 = __makeref(tArray[1]);
IntPtr ptrToT0 = *((IntPtr*)&tRef0);
IntPtr ptrToT1 = *((IntPtr*)&tRef1);
return (int)(((byte*)ptrToT1) - ((byte*)ptrToT0));
finally {
View Code Fullscreen • "SizeOf<T> Implementation (Fixed)"
And finally, I'm not going to go in to too much detail with this one as its uses are limited (though I did use it for converting between texel structs in my game engine). It's a way of freely converting any two structs of the same size between each other. There's nothing new in the code below, so if you've been following my explanations above (understandable if not ;)) then you should be able to understand this:
public static TOut Reinterpret<TIn, TOut>(TIn curValue, int sizeBytes)
where TIn : struct
where TOut : struct
TOut result = default(TOut);
TypedReference resultRef = __makeref(result);
byte* resultPtr = (byte*) *((IntPtr*) &resultRef);
TypedReference curValueRef = __makeref(curValue);
byte* curValuePtr = (byte*) *((IntPtr*) &curValueRef);
for (int i = 0; i < sizeBytes; ++i) {
resultPtr[i] = curValuePtr[i];
return result;
View Code Fullscreen • "Reinterpret Casting Implementation"
So, in short, this allows us to treat a struct instance as though it was an instance of another. For example, if you're working with two identical
Point structs from two different libraries, you can rapidly cast from one to the other using this.
Anyway, that's it folks. I hope you enjoyed this; and I'll try and come back around with something more general for the next one. :)
Edit 12th Jan '17: More recently, .NET Core has had a set of methods added that allow you to write a lot of the tricks discussed in this post in a fully-supported manner. See the following RTM Github commit for more information: https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/pull/7966