"Dynamic as an Alternative to Reflection"

class GenericClass<T1, T2> {
	public T1 SomeComplexMethod<T3>(T2 inputA, T3 inputB) {
		// ...

class Program {
	static void Main() {
		var gc = new GenericClass<int, string>();
		var resultA = InvokeComplexMethodReflectively(gc, "Hi", 3f);
		var resultB = InvokeComplexMethodDynamically(gc, "Hi", 3f);


	static object InvokeComplexMethodReflectively(object genericClassInstance, string inputA, float inputB) {
		var openMethodDefinition = genericClassInstance.GetType().GetMethod("SomeComplexMethod");
		var genericMethodDefinition = openMethodDefinition.MakeGenericMethod(typeof(float));
		return genericMethodDefinition.Invoke(genericClassInstance, new object[] { inputA, inputB });

	static object InvokeComplexMethodDynamically(object genericClassInstance, string inputA, float inputB) {
		return ((dynamic) genericClassInstance).SomeComplexMethod(inputA, inputB);

Code snippet taken from "Complete C# Quick Reference - C# 2, 3 and 4".