"Nullable and Non-Nullable Fields, Properties, and Parameters"

#nullable enable
class TestClass {
	// If we don't assign a value to _nonNullableField here or in the constructor, the compiler will warn us
	string _nonNullableField;
	// We don't have to supply any initial value for a nullable field, the default value of null is acceptable
	string? _nullableField;

	// If we don't assign a value to NonNullableProperty here or in the constructor, the compiler will warn us
	public string NonNullableProperty { get; set; } = "Hello";
	// We don't have to supply any initial value for a nullable property, the default value of null is acceptable
	public string? NullableProperty { get; set; }

	public TestClass(string? initialFieldValue) {
		// If we just assign initialFieldValue to _nonNullableField without the null-coalesced fallback value, the compiler will warn us
		_nonNullableField = initialFieldValue ?? "Hi";
	public void PrintStringLengths(string nonNullableParameter, string? nullableParameter) {
		Console.WriteLine($"Non-nullable parameter length is: {nonNullableParameter.Length}");
		// If we don't use the null-propagation operator (?.) or check nullableParameter for null first, the compiler will warn us
		Console.WriteLine($"Nullable parameter length is: {nullableParameter?.Length.ToString() ?? "<null>"}");

Code snippet taken from "Complete C# Quick Reference - C# 8".